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New Zealand Players Start with P

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. PT Barton Paul Thomas Barton 1961
2. PA Hitchcock Paul Anthony Hitchcock 2002
3. PE McEwan Paul Ernest McEwan 1980
4. PE Whitelaw Paul Erskine Whitelaw 1933
5. PJ Wiseman Paul John Wiseman 1998
6. PG Coman Peter George Coman 1973
7. PG Fulton Peter Gordon Fulton 2004
8. PJ Ingram Peter John Ingram 2010
9. PD McGlashan Peter Donald McGlashan 2006
10. PJ Petherick Peter James Petherick 1976
11. PB Truscott Peter Bennetts Truscott 1965
12. PN Webb Peter Neil Webb 1980
13. PF Younghusband Peter Francis Younghusband
14. PA Horne Philip Andrew Horne 1987
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