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New Zealand Players Start with R

S# Player Name Full Name Dubut
1. R Ravindra Rachin Ravindra 2021
2. RWG Emery Raymond William George Emery 1952
3. RA Young Reece Alan Young 2010
4. RO Collinge Richard Owen Collinge 1965
5. RP de Groen Richard Paul de Groen 1993
6. RA Jones Richard Andrew Jones 2003
7. RG Petrie Richard George Petrie 1990
8. RB Reid Richard Bruce Reid 1988
9. RJ Webb Richard John Webb 1983
10. RJ Nicol Robert James Nicol 2010
11. RG Hart Robert Garry Hart 2002
12. RW Anderson Robert Wickham Anderson 1976
13. RJ Kennedy Robert John Kennedy 1996
14. RT Latham Rodney Terry Latham 1990
15. RE Redmond Rodney Ernest Redmond 1973
16. RC Blunt Roger Charles Blunt 1930
17. RM Harris Roger Meredith Harris 1959
18. RG Twose Roger Graham Twose 1995
19. RT Hart Ronald Terence Hart 1985
20. RM Hira Roneel Magan Hira 2012
21. RW Morgan Ross Winston Morgan 1965
22. LRPL Taylor Luteru Ross Poutoa Lote Taylor 2006
23. RI Harford Roy Ivan Harford 1968
24. RH Scott Roy Hamilton Scott 1947
25. RL Hayes Roydon Leslie Hayes 1995
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